
  • How do I FTP sermons to my site for Sermon Browser?

    1. Download an FTP client.

    (We recommend Filezilla Client.)

    You will have received your FTP username and password in your email. Use the following details to connect to your sermon directory, where you can upload mp3s to be used with Sermon browser.

    2. Connect to your sermon directory

    Instructions for Filezilla. Connect using Site Manager (File->Site Manager)

    • Host:
    • Protocol: FTP
    • Encryption: ‘require explicit FTP over TLS’
    • Username: [as provided]
    • Password: [as provided]
    • Port: leave empty.

    Click “connect” or “quickconnect”. You will be taken automatically to the correct directory for your site. Here you can copy files to be used with Sermon Browser (pdf handouts, mp3 files, etc.).

    3. Copy your files

    You can do this using drag and drop from your computer. When a file finishes uploading, it will be automatically available to use in your sermon browser control panel.

    4. Important Guidelines

    Note: we strongly recommend using compressed mp3 files for sermons, size between 10-15 MB max. This will save your site space and speed.
    Warning: Be careful with your files! Deleted files will be removed from your site and cannot be recovered.
    MP3 File names: do not use special characters (~!@&*)””) in filenames. Try to be organized with naming (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD_name.mp3) so that you are able to find files easily. Over the years, you will have a lot of files in one directory!

  • How do I add a sermon to my site?

    1. FTP your mp3 file to the site

    You can do this using the instructions given above, or go here. Please pay attention to the recommended guidelines.

    2. Login to your sermon control panel

    • URL:
    • Click on “Sermons” on the left-hand side panel.
    • Click on “Add Sermon”.
    • The mp3 you just added will be available using the dropdown “choose existing file”.

    3. Insert your sermon details.

    • Title: Name of the sermon, any text is acceptable
    • Tags: A list of search words which will help users find this sermon – we recommend adding at least 3-4 tags
    • Preacher: You can select from the dropdown or “Create New Preacher”.
    • Series: Select from the dropdown or “Create New Series”
    • Date: Date sermon was preached. Be accurate, otherwise it will be hard to find this sermon later.
    • Service: Select Service. Usually “Sunday Morning”.
    • Bible Passage: Enter “From” and “To” (for example, if the message was on Romans 12:1-2, then “From Romans 12:1” and “To Romans 12:2”. You can add multiple texts. The site will display the ESV translation. For single verses, both the “To” and “From” will be the same verse.
    • Attachments: You can select the mp3 you have just uploaded to link it to this sermon. You can also upload documents and PDFs (sermon notes, charts, etc).

    4. Save new sermon

    Click “Save”. Your sermon will now be available on the site.

  • How do I access my email?

    All paid CrossKhoj websites include a secure email address. Your email username and password will be emailed to you separately. To access webmail securely:

    Crosskhoj also provides IMAP and POP3 services for your email, if you want to use an offline email client like Outlook. Please contact us at for further instructions.

Contact us at if you have any issues.